About mn.retr0g4m3r

mn.retr0gam3r is a focused, technology-driven organization of retro gaming enthusiasts with a passion for video game emulation, DIY PC building & design, cryptocurrency mining & trading, open source software, open source hardware, single board computing, open knowledge, the Internet of Things, robotics, and automation.

mn.retr0gam3r mission statement

we strive to preserve, explore, document, improve & celebrate gaming platforms of the past using video game emulation.

we shall observe & promote anti-addictive, anti-violent, & anti-profanity gaming options.

we provide all members with the tools & training necessary to become active, social, contributing members of the group.

we shall celebrate open knowledge through development & administration of a public, long-term, Wiki surrounding our areas of interest.

we shall celebrate private cloud storage through development & administration of a private, long-term, NextCloud to centralize & protect all group data.

we shall learn, build, & embrace the Internet of Things as the future methodology for hands-free environmental monitoring, action & reaction.

we shall learn, build, & embrace single-board computing & hardware hacking in all shapes, sizes & forms to encourage learning & creativity.